Ubuntu – rc.local

Faced with the fact that in Ubuntu there is no usual CentOS file with me "rc.local", the solution is the following. Create a service: with the following content: Create the file"rc.local" and add it to the execution bit:

Saltstack – Installation

Install Master CentOS 7 Add to autorun and run: Installation may require dependencies in the EPEL repository.

Git – Diff file between last and last commit

This line checks the change of the "configmap.yml" file between the last and the last but one commit, if there was a change in it, then the configmap update in Kubernetes is performed.

Htaccess – Rewrite

File Contents: ".htaccess" Redirecting everything to HTTPS   Redirecting to www   Redirecting from www

BASH – backup sites and MySQL databases on AWS S3

The script finds all folders in a given directory and archives them one by one, copies them to S3 Bucket and deletes them locally. It also receives a list of all MySQL databases, excluding system databases, archives them in turn, sends them to S3 Bucket and deletes them locally.