Fix ERROR – Slack KDE icon Fix

After updating Slack on Kubuntu 18.04, the icon looked like this: The solution is the following, you need to replace the icons of Slack. To do this, you can use a ready-made script: Or download the archive here archive here.

BackupPC – Installation

Installation Deb systems: CentOS:   Select in the "Postfix Configuration" "No configuration", if you do not need notifications by mail. Then they write to us, at what URL BackupPC will be available, as well as login/password for access. Password can be changed: If you change the user, then the Web interface may have no fields … Continue reading "BackupPC – Installation"

BackupPC 3 – Nginx

  Install "fcgiwrap" Deb system: CentOS:   Add to autorun and run: backuppc.conf  

Heroku – Ruby on Rails

System preparation Install RVM Go to the site and look at the installation commands: Add a user to the group: rvm:x:1001:ubuntu My username in the system – ubuntu   Then from the user: