In the repository where the future groovy files will be stored, create a directory called "utilities" and create the file "BitbucketMultibranch.groovy" in it with the following contents: Now, to create an Item, it is enough to create a file with the groovy extension in the root of the repository, so that it can be processed …
Continue reading "Jenkins – DSL Multibranch Pipeline Creating by Seed Job"
Example Multibranch Pipeline configuration file for a DSL module, with a custom Bitbucket server. Which will include branches: "develop", "staging" and "master". Will store the last 15 builds. And look for Jenkins file along the path: ".jenkins/Jenkinsfile" Repository name: artem-dsl Owner (project name): dev Loans of Jenkins access to Bitbucket: svn-bibucket
In order to force the build number, go to the user’s home directory "jenkins" -> "jobs" -> "Project_name" -> "Branch_name" and open the file "nextBuildNumber". And indicate in it the number of the next assembly. After that, it is necessary for Jenkins to re-read the data from the disk, for this we go to the …
Continue reading "Jenkins – Forcibly set the build number"
We create S3 Bucket, we make it not public, we don’t change anything in the access rights. Immediately find the ARN created baketa. Create a user, on the "Permisson" tab, go to "Attach existing policies directly" and find "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess". Let’s see the created user ARN. We return to the settings of S3 Bucket already created …
Continue reading "AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only"
Terraform configuration example, which creates 2 VPCs in different regions (EU and US) and creates connectivity between them.
Replicas Let’s look at the name and namespace of Ingress'а: Edit our Ingress: And we find the string: Set 2 replicas: You can save changes and watch the number of Ingress Pods. nodeSelector We explicitly indicate on which nodes the Ingress should be run. Let’s see the current label: Set the label: Edit Ingress …
Continue reading "Kubernetes – Ingress Nginx: Replicas and Nodeselector"
Terraform configuration example that creates Kubernetes cluster (Bare Metal) on AWS EC2. Creates Ingress with NodePort. IP addresses Ingress nodes. This template creates the following EC2 instances: 1 manager 2 workers 2 ingresses
Install Master CentOS 7 Add to autorun and run: Installation may require dependencies in the EPEL repository.
System preparation Install RVM Go to the site and look at the installation commands: Add a user to the group: rvm:x:1001:ubuntu My username in the system – ubuntu Then from the user: