Jenkins – Example DSL Multibranch Pipeline

Example Multibranch Pipeline configuration file for a DSL module, with a custom Bitbucket server. Which will include branches: "develop", "staging" and "master". Will store the last 15 builds. And look for Jenkins file along the path: ".jenkins/Jenkinsfile" Repository name: artem-dsl Owner (project name): dev Loans of Jenkins access to Bitbucket: svn-bibucket

AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only

We create S3 Bucket, we make it not public, we don’t change anything in the access rights. Immediately find the ARN created baketa. Create a user, on the "Permisson" tab, go to "Attach existing policies directly" and find "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess". Let’s see the created user ARN. We return to the settings of S3 Bucket already created … Continue reading "AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only"

Terraform – Kubernetes cluster on AWS EC2

Terraform configuration example that creates Kubernetes cluster (Bare Metal) on AWS EC2. Creates Ingress with NodePort. IP addresses Ingress nodes. This template creates the following EC2 instances: 1 manager 2 workers 2 ingresses

Saltstack – Installation

Install Master CentOS 7 Add to autorun and run: Installation may require dependencies in the EPEL repository.

Heroku – Ruby on Rails

System preparation Install RVM Go to the site and look at the installation commands: Add a user to the group: rvm:x:1001:ubuntu My username in the system – ubuntu   Then from the user: