Terraform – Installation

Installing Terraform is quite simple, since it is written in Go, just download the archive with the binary file. Go to the download page: https://www.terraform.io/downloads.html Download the archive, extract the binary file and move it to "/usr/bin/" (or write it to PATH) Check: If you use the "bash" or "zsh" shell, you can add autocompletion … Continue reading "Terraform – Installation"

Docker Swarm over TLS

In this example, there are 3 servers with Docker installed on it. If docker is not installed, you can see the installation here. There will be one manager and two workers: Master – manager (IP: Slave_1 – worker (IP: Slave_2 – worker (IP: Required ports for Docker Swarm to work: 2376 and … Continue reading "Docker Swarm over TLS"

 Docker – API over TCP

All steps are relevant for distributions with systemd (tested on CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 18.04) We look at the Docker launch command: Ubuntu 18.04 has a different path, "/lib/systemd/system/docker.service"   We get something similar: Now create the "override.conf" file, just enter: We insert the following there: