AWS Transfer – Public FTP

AWS Transfer supports 3 protocols: SFTP, FTP, and FTPS. And only SFTP can have a public endpoint, FTP/FTPS can only be run inside a VPC. Also for login/password authorization, you must use a custom provider, you can find more information about this here. Goal: Create an AWS Transfer server for the FTP protocol, the service … Continue reading "AWS Transfer – Public FTP"

Docker Compose – Setting log size limit

By default, Docker Compose does not set any size limits for logs. For example, let’s set the limit to 10 MB and the maximum number of files for rotation – 10.    

Nginx – Regular Expression Tester

  For quick testing of Nginx regular expressions, you can use a ready-made docker image. To do this, you need to clone the NGINX-Demos repository:   Follow to the "nginx-regex-tester" directory:   And launch the container using "docker-compose":   And open the next page: http://localhost/regextester.php  

AWS – Lambda: kubectl

An example of how you can create entities in Kubernetes using AWS Lambda. The function will be in Python3, so we will use Kubernetes Python Client More usage examples can be found here. Since AWS Lambda does not support this package, we will pack the "kubernetes" and "boto3" modules in our function. "boto3" is needed … Continue reading "AWS – Lambda: kubectl"