AWS Cli – Search EC2 instances by tag and state

  To get the IP addresses of all instances with the "Application" tag and its value "Frontend", and also filter by state to display information about only those instances that are in the "running" state:   To display the name of instance along with the IP address:

Ansible – Number of hosts per group

There is a "hosts" file in which in the "db" group there are N number of hosts, you need to automatically set a variable in the playbook equal to the number of hosts in a particular group hosts   example.yaml

CentOS 7 – Jenkins install

Install Java OpenJDK, as it is a dependency for Jenkins. The latest versions of Jenkins are compatible with version 11, so let’s install it.   To add the Jenkins repository, you will need the "wget" utility, if it is not installed, then install:   Add the repository and import its key:   Install Jenkins:   … Continue reading "CentOS 7 – Jenkins install"

  Terraform/Terragrunt – Create a module. Part 1

In this example, we will create a Terraform module for the AWS provider, which will be launched for 3 different environments using Terragrunt.   Requirements: Installed AWS CLI Installed Terraform (version above 12.0) Installed Terragrunt