Fastlane – TestFlight: Invalid App Store Icon

При заливке в TestFlight Fastlane выдает следующее: [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel." Transporter transfer failed. ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be … Continue reading "Fastlane – TestFlight: Invalid App Store Icon"

Kubernetes – Ingress few backends

Configuration example Kubernetes Ingress with the choice of backend based on the value of the argument "proxy". And the default backend, if the value of the argument "proxy" is different from "1" and "2", or is missing. manifest.yaml

Jenkins – Pipeline Credentials

  Create "Credentials" with type "Secret text". Fill in the ID and add a secret description optional. Add the following to Jenkinsfile: After that, you can use the variable "MY_PASSWORD", without fear that it will be shown in clear text.

Fastlane – Badge for iOS

The Badge plugin for Fastlane allows you to offer version numbers, release type, etc. On the MacOS collector, install the dependencies: Add a line to the project Gemfile: Add a block related to the badge to Fastfile and add the version number via a variable.  

Jenkins – Example DSL Pipeline

Sample Pipeline configuration file for a DSL module. This is a parameterized build. Jenkinsfile is located at the root of the repository.