This Python script creates events in PagerDuty using APIv2. The following script was taken as a basis. First you need to create a "Routing Key", aka "Integration Key", not to be confused with "API Access Key", which can be used for any API calls, we only need a key from a specific service. Go to …
Continue reading "PagerDuty – Python script for creating events"
Python3 sample script to get metrics from AWS CloudWatch. In the example, we get the maximum value in the last minute and display only the value, this is necessary if you want to collect metrics for example in Zabbix. Script:
The script receives the value, after how many days the certificate expires and sends the values to "Zabbix" via "zabbix-sender". Script content: You need to make sure that the required domain is set as the FQDN of the host. Or receive it in another way, for example, if you have more than one domain …
Continue reading "SSL – Certificate Validity check"
AWStats is by default tuned to work with the Apache log, in this article I will show how to get statistics from Nginx logs. Install Awstats and the GeoIP module Install the Perl handler