An example of a pipeline for working with the plugin for kubernetis. We build the maven project, create a docker image with the received artifact and push it into the docker image storage. Pipeline: Dockerfile – already created in the pipeline itself. envVar – taken from the secret of kubernetes
As it turned out, CodeBuild does not have a built-in incremental variable for the build number, as in Jenkins, for example. The solution was found on To add the build number you will need the following services: AWS SSM (Systems Manager Parameter Store) AWS Lambda AWS CloudWatch AWS IAM Create Parameter Store Go …
Continue reading "AWS – CodeBuild: Add an incremental build number"
In this example, we will consider creating a repository in CodeCommit and building a simple Docker image using CodeBuild and launching it in ECR. Create a repository in CodeCommit. My repository name is "artem-test" In order to work with the repository, make sure that your user has an SSH key loaded. If it is already …
Continue reading "AWS – CodeCommit and CodeBuild build Docker image and push it into ECR"
При заливке в TestFlight Fastlane выдает следующее: [Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel." Transporter transfer failed. ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be …
Continue reading "Fastlane – TestFlight: Invalid App Store Icon"
On the server with Jenkins download JMeter Also need JMeterPluginsCMD Create a directory for storage: Download and unzip the contents of two archives to this directory. So that the structure is as follows:
An example deployment in Docker Swarm from Jenkins using stack deploy. Jenkinsfile:
Create "Credentials" with type "Secret text". Fill in the ID and add a secret description optional. Add the following to Jenkinsfile: After that, you can use the variable "MY_PASSWORD", without fear that it will be shown in clear text.
The Badge plugin for Fastlane allows you to offer version numbers, release type, etc. On the MacOS collector, install the dependencies: Add a line to the project Gemfile: Add a block related to the badge to Fastfile and add the version number via a variable.
In the repository where the future groovy files will be stored, create a directory called "utilities" and create the file "GithubPipeline.groovy" in it with the following contents: Now, to create an Item, it is enough to create a file with the groovy extension in the root of the repository, so that it can be processed …
Continue reading "Jenkins – DSL Pipeline creating by Seed Job"
Sample Pipeline configuration file for a DSL module. This is a parameterized build. Jenkinsfile is located at the root of the repository.