To remove all unused images, you can use the following command:
By default, Docker Compose does not set any size limits for logs. For example, let’s set the limit to 10 MB and the maximum number of files for rotation – 10.
For quick testing of Nginx regular expressions, you can use a ready-made docker image. To do this, you need to clone the NGINX-Demos repository: Follow to the "nginx-regex-tester" directory: And launch the container using "docker-compose": And open the next page: http://localhost/regextester.php
After we installed Docker on the Jenkins server and started it, when we try to build, we get the following error: Solution: Add the user "jenkins" to the "docker" group: After that, the user "jenkins" will be able to work with Docker if he connects via SSH, but with Jenkins job there will …
Continue reading "FIX ERROR – Jenkins: dial unix /var/run/docker.sock: connect: permission denied"
Where, "XXXXXXXXXXX" – AWS Account ID, "us-east-1" – AWS Region
Example Docker Compose file for WordPress docker-compose.yaml
For a container with phpMyAdmin, you need to add a variable with an absolute path: The "location" block for Nginx (change the proxy path to yours): Now phpMyAdmin will be available along the path:
This example shows how to run 2 JAR files in one container. As the base image we will use "phusion/baseimage" First you need to create startup scripts, for convenience, in the example they will be called "" and "", in them we describe the launch of JAR files, for example …
Continue reading " Docker – Multiple processes in one container"
In order to change the owner of the copied files in the container, it is necessary to add the key "–chown" to the "COPY" command Example: