In order to force the build number, go to the user’s home directory "jenkins" -> "jobs" -> "Project_name" -> "Branch_name" and open the file "nextBuildNumber". And indicate in it the number of the next assembly. After that, it is necessary for Jenkins to re-read the data from the disk, for this we go to the …
Continue reading "Jenkins – Forcibly set the build number"
We create S3 Bucket, we make it not public, we don’t change anything in the access rights. Immediately find the ARN created baketa. Create a user, on the "Permisson" tab, go to "Attach existing policies directly" and find "AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess". Let’s see the created user ARN. We return to the settings of S3 Bucket already created …
Continue reading "AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only"
Terraform configuration example, which creates 2 VPCs in different regions (EU and US) and creates connectivity between them.
Replicas Let’s look at the name and namespace of Ingress'а: Edit our Ingress: And we find the string: Set 2 replicas: You can save changes and watch the number of Ingress Pods. nodeSelector We explicitly indicate on which nodes the Ingress should be run. Let’s see the current label: Set the label: Edit Ingress …
Continue reading "Kubernetes – Ingress Nginx: Replicas and Nodeselector"
Terraform configuration example that creates Kubernetes cluster (Bare Metal) on AWS EC2. Creates Ingress with NodePort. IP addresses Ingress nodes. This template creates the following EC2 instances: 1 manager 2 workers 2 ingresses
1. Preparation Install the necessary packages: Open the QEMU configuration file: And add/edit the following line: Restart libvirt service
1. Convert to ISO image First we need the MacOS Mojave image. Download the official only on the Mac Follow the link: You will transfer to iTunes, agree with the license agreement, remove all the checkboxes about the update, and choose to download the image. After the download is complete, you need to convert …
Continue reading "QEMU/KVM – MacOS Mojave installation"
When you try to start a virtual machine with EFI using Virsh, the following message appears: Solution: Install the package "ovmf" Editing QEMU configuration file Add the following line: Restart libvirt
When you try to run an undefine virtual machine using Virsh, the following message appears: Solution:
To enhance cryptography, you must use the Diffie-Hellman parameter file with a length of at least 4096 bits. Let’s create a file like this: Will be added to the Nginx config file: You can use the following service to check: