In this example, we will create a Terraform module for the AWS provider, which will be launched for 3 different environments using Terragrunt. Requirements: Installed AWS CLI Installed Terraform (version above 12.0) Installed Terragrunt
When trying to make a terraform plan or terraform apply, terraform returns the following error: Error: Unsupported block type Blocks of type "tags" are not expected here. Did you mean to define argument "tags"? If so, use the equals sign to assign it a value. Solution: In terraform versions below the 12, the following …
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An example of a pipeline for working with the plugin for kubernetis. We build the maven project, create a docker image with the received artifact and push it into the docker image storage. Pipeline: Dockerfile – already created in the pipeline itself. envVar – taken from the secret of kubernetes
To display the copy status using the "dd" utility, the "status = progress" key is used, but in the old version of "dd" this key is not yet available, so you can use the "pv" utility to see progress Example: