Check if the value of the variable "GIT_COMMIT_ID" is set, if so, then do a checkout by the hash of the commit, if not, then do a checkout by the name of the branch. The variable "GIT_BRANCH_NAME" is taken from the Active Choice parameter.
pipeline { agent any parameters { string(defaultValue: '', description: 'If you need to build a specific commit, enter it in this field.', name: 'GIT_COMMIT_ID') } stages { stage('Checkout') { steps { script { if ( env.GIT_COMMIT_ID.isEmpty() ) { sh "echo Checkout branch: $GIT_BRANCH_NAME" checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}"]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${GIT_URI}"]] ]) } else { sh "echo Checkout commit: $GIT_COMMIT_ID" checkout([ $class: "GitSCM", branches: [[name: "${GIT_COMMIT_ID}"]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${GIT_URI}"]] ]) } } } } } }