The status "Evicted" means that Pod was "evicted" from the node, as he lacked the resources. This can be observed if you display the following: In order to remove all pods in the status "Evicted", do the following:
To enable CORS in ingress, add the following: * – allows requests from anywhere, replace it with the domain you need
Example manifest for creating a configmap, deployment and service for RabbitMQ manifest.yml
Manifest example for creating deployment and service for PostgreSQL manifest.yml
pvc.yml: Create PVC: Check:
Configuration example Kubernetes Ingress with the choice of backend based on the value of the argument "proxy". And the default backend, if the value of the argument "proxy" is different from "1" and "2", or is missing. manifest.yaml
An example of creating a common directory for two containers in one pod.
Replicas Let’s look at the name and namespace of Ingress'а: Edit our Ingress: And we find the string: Set 2 replicas: You can save changes and watch the number of Ingress Pods. nodeSelector We explicitly indicate on which nodes the Ingress should be run. Let’s see the current label: Set the label: Edit Ingress …
Continue reading "Kubernetes – Ingress Nginx: Replicas and Nodeselector"
Terraform configuration example that creates Kubernetes cluster (Bare Metal) on AWS EC2. Creates Ingress with NodePort. IP addresses Ingress nodes. This template creates the following EC2 instances: 1 manager 2 workers 2 ingresses