In order to save the value of the variable as Secret, the variable must be encoded in base64, for this we use "_helpers.tpl" For example, we need to save the value of the variable "applicationSecret" values.yaml: Add the following to "_helpers.tpl": _helpers.tpl: Now in the "templates" directory, create the file "secret.yaml" secret.yaml:
Installation instructions can be found here. Run: If there is no namespace, then create it. Add the HELM repository and update: Install Cert Manager using HELM:
Installation instructions can be found here. Install HELM locally: Installing Tiller with RBAC enabled Начиная с Kubernetes v1.8+, RBAC включен по умолчанию. Checking: Create Nginx Ingress Controller: If the following error occurs: Error: release nginx-ingress failed: namespaces "default" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot get resource "namespaces" in API …
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