Example Multibranch Pipeline configuration file for a DSL module, with a custom Bitbucket server. Which will include branches: "develop", "staging" and "master". Will store the last 15 builds. And look for Jenkins file along the path: ".jenkins/Jenkinsfile"
- Repository name: artem-dsl
- Owner (project name): dev
- Loans of Jenkins access to Bitbucket: svn-bibucket
multibranchPipelineJob('artem-dsl') { displayName('Artem-DSL') description('DSL test') branchSources { branchSource { source { bitbucket { serverUrl('https://git.artem.services') repoOwner('dev') repository('artem-dsl') credentialsId('svc-bitbucket') traits { headWildcardFilter { excludes('') includes('develop staging master') } } } } } } configure { def traits = it / sources / data / 'jenkins.branch.BranchSource' / source / traits traits << 'com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.bitbucket.BranchDiscoveryTrait' { strategyId(3) // detect all branches } } factory { workflowBranchProjectFactory { scriptPath('.jenkins/Jenkinsfile') } } orphanedItemStrategy { discardOldItems { numToKeep(15) } } }