GCP will be the DNS provider. YOUR_GCP_PROJECT – Replace with the name of your GCP project Create an account: We give him access to the DNS service: We generate the key: Create a secret based on the generated key: Create 2 YAML files for ClusterIssuer. letsencrypt-staging.yml …
Continue reading "GKE – Issuer DNS01"
Installation instructions can be found here. Run: If there is no namespace, then create it. Add the HELM repository and update: Install Cert Manager using HELM:
Find all the directories that are on the path "/home/artem" and set them with the standard rights to the directory "755", also find all the files and set the rights "644" Not all directories use the rights "755", for example for the directory ".ssh" the rights "600" are necessary
A similar error may occur when using mixed content HTTP and HTTPS. Blocked loading mixed active content Solution: To get rid of it and download everything using the HTTPS protocol, you need to add the following to the "wp-config.php" file:
Installation instructions can be found here. Install HELM locally: Installing Tiller with RBAC enabled Начиная с Kubernetes v1.8+, RBAC включен по умолчанию. Checking: Create Nginx Ingress Controller: If the following error occurs: Error: release nginx-ingress failed: namespaces "default" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:kube-system:default" cannot get resource "namespaces" in API …
Continue reading "GKE – Nginx Ingress Installation Using HELM"
The status "Evicted" means that Pod was "evicted" from the node, as he lacked the resources. This can be observed if you display the following: In order to remove all pods in the status "Evicted", do the following:
To enable CORS in ingress, add the following: * – allows requests from anywhere, replace it with the domain you need
In order to change the owner of the copied files in the container, it is necessary to add the key "–chown" to the "COPY" command Example:
When I tried to log in to phpMyAdmin using Apache 2.4 I received a 403 error, in the logs the following message: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/ The reason is that the configuration for Apache version 2.2 Solution: Open the configuration file: And we change this part: To the following: …
Continue reading "FIX ERROR – phpMyAdmin+Apache 2.4: client denied by server configuration: /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/"
When installing WordPress using MySQL 8, the following error may occur: Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password] The reason is the default authorization method. Solution: In the file "/etc/my.cnf" in the block "mysqld" add the following: And restart the mysqld service: If the user has already …
Continue reading "FIX ERROR – WordPress: The server requested authentication method unknown to the client [caching_sha2_password]"