Jenkins – Active Choice: S3 – Return necessary key value from JSON file

For a parameterized assembly with an image tag selection, you will need the Active Choices plugin Go to “Manage Jenkins”   Section “Manage Plugins”   Go to the “Available” tab and select “Active Choices” in the search. Install it.   Create a “New Item” – “Pipeline“, indicate that it will be a parameterized assembly, and … Continue reading " Jenkins – Active Choice: S3 – Return necessary key value from JSON file"

 Python – AWS S3 keep N latest artifacts

This script gets a list of all directories in the bucket and deletes all objects in each directory, except for the last “N” specified. To run the script, you need to pass two arguments: Bucket name Number of last stored objects How to use it:

AWS – S3 Allow Access for Organization Members

In order to allow read access from the S3 Bucket for all members included in the organization, the following policy must be applied to the S3 Bucket:   Where “stackset-lambdas” is the S3 Bucket name and “o-xxxxxxxxxx” is your Organization ID.

AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only

We create S3 Bucket, we make it not public, we don’t change anything in the access rights. Immediately find the ARN created baketa. Create a user, on the “Permisson” tab, go to “Attach existing policies directly” and find “AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess“. Let’s see the created user ARN. We return to the settings of S3 Bucket already created … Continue reading "AWS – S3 Bucket Read-only"

BASH – backup sites and MySQL databases on AWS S3

The script finds all folders in a given directory and archives them one by one, copies them to S3 Bucket and deletes them locally. It also receives a list of all MySQL databases, excluding system databases, archives them in turn, sends them to S3 Bucket and deletes them locally.