Fastlane – TestFlight: Invalid App Store Icon

При заливке в TestFlight Fastlane выдает следующее:

[Transporter Error Output]: ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."
Transporter transfer failed.

ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."

DBG-X: parameter ErrorCode = 1102


DBG-X: parameter ErrorMessage = ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel.

[iTMSTransporter] (1102)


ERROR: ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in '' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."


DBG-X: The error code is: 1102


INFO: Done performing authentication.


Устанавливаем imagemagick:

brew install imagemagick

Удалим альфа канал с иконок приложения:

find ./ios/your_app/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ -name "*.png" -exec convert "{}" -alpha off "{}" \;

Строка для Jenkins‘а с экранированием:

sh "find ./ios/your_app/Images.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset/ -name \"*.png\" -exec convert \"{}\" -alpha off \"{}\" \\;"

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