Jenkins – Active Choice: Git branch


For a parameterized build with branch selection, you will need a plugin Active Choices

Go to Jenkins settings


Section "Manage Plugins"


Go to the "Available" tab and specify "Active Choice" in the search.

Install it.

Create a "New Item" – "Pipeline", indicate that it will be a parameterized project, and add the parameter "Active Choices Reactive Parameter"


We indicate that this is "Groovy Script" and paste the following into it:

def gettags = ("git ls-remote -t -h ssh://").execute()
return gettags.text.readLines().collect { 
  it.split()[1].replaceAll('refs/heads/', '').replaceAll('refs/tags/', '').replaceAll("\\^\\{\\}", '')


Where "ssh: //" is the path to your repository. Jenkins must have access to this repository over SSH



Now, when building with parameters, there will be a branch selection

Jenkins – Change default language


By default, Jenkins uses your browser’s settings language. In order to force change it, you can use the Locale plugin

Go to Jenkins settings


Section "Manage Plugins"


Go to the "Available" tab and specify "Locale" in the search.


Install it. And back to Jenkins settings, tab "Configure System"


Find the "Locale" block and specify the desired language. We also check the box to ignore browser settings.


Done. Save changes.

FIX ERROR – Ansible AWS SSM: AnsibleError: An unhandled exception occurred while templating

When trying to get a value from AWS SSM, Ansible Playbook using Python3 as an interpreter generates the following error:

fatal: [localhost-py3]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleError: An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{{ lookup('aws_ssm', 'server_listeners', decrypt=false, region=’eu-west-1′) }}'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 'aws_ssm'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, original message: botocore and boto3 are required for aws_ssm lookup."}

The Ansible documentation says that dependencies are needed for PIP:

  • boto3
  • botocore

But the error was still present until the "ansible" module was added to the PIP dependency


- name: Ensure boto3, botocore and ansible modules are installed
      - boto3
      - botocore
      - ansible
    executable: /usr/bin/pip3

CodeCommit – Git


In order to be able to work with the Git repository in CodeCommit using the AIM role, AWS Cli must be installed on the instance. You will also need "credential-helper", for this we create a configuration file for Git:



And copy the following into it:

    helper = !aws codecommit credential-helper $@
    UseHttpPath = true


Now you can work with CodeCommit over HTTPS without specifying a username/password.



To use the SSH protocol, you need an IAM user with rights to CodeCommit. You also need to add the SSH Public Key, for this, in the IAM settings of the user, go to the "Security Credentials" tab and go down to the "SSH keys for AWS CodeCommit" block


And upload the public key. After which you will see the "SSH Key ID" of your key, it is needed to work with CodeCommit:

git clone ssh://{YOUR_ID_FOR_SSH_KEY}


But in order not to constantly indicate it, you can specify it in the SSH configuration:

vim ~/.ssh/config


Copy the following contents:

Host git-codecommit.*
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa # path to your private ssh key


And provide the necessary permission to it:

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

Now you can work with CodeCommit without specifying "SSH Key ID"

Jenkins – Checking if a string value is set to a parameter


Check if the value of the variable "GIT_COMMIT_ID" is set, if so, then do a checkout by the hash of the commit, if not, then do a checkout by the name of the branch. The variable "GIT_BRANCH_NAME" is taken from the Active Choice parameter.


pipeline {
  agent any
  parameters {
    string(defaultValue: '', description: 'If you need to build a specific commit, enter it in this field.', name: 'GIT_COMMIT_ID')
  stages {
    stage('Checkout') {
      steps {
        script {
          if ( env.GIT_COMMIT_ID.isEmpty() ) {
            sh "echo Checkout branch: $GIT_BRANCH_NAME"
              $class: "GitSCM",
              branches: [[name: "${GIT_BRANCH_NAME}"]],
              userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${GIT_URI}"]]
          else {
            sh "echo Checkout commit: $GIT_COMMIT_ID"
              $class: "GitSCM",
              branches: [[name: "${GIT_COMMIT_ID}"]],
              userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${GIT_URI}"]]

AWS Cli – Search EC2 instances by tag and state


To get the IP addresses of all instances with the "Application" tag and its value "Frontend", and also filter by state to display information about only those instances that are in the "running" state:

aws ec2 describe-instances --filter "Name=tag:Application,Values=Frontent" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*][NetworkInterfaces[0].PrivateIpAddresses[0].PrivateIpAddress]" --output text


To display the name of instance along with the IP address:

aws ec2 describe-instances --filter "Name=tag:Application,Values=Frontend" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*][Tags[?Key=='Name'].Value[],NetworkInterfaces[0].PrivateIpAddresses[0].PrivateIpAddress]" --output text

Ansible – Get the IP address of another host from the hosts file

An example of how to get the IP address of another host from the "hosts" file by performing a task on another host.


  • server1our Playbook will be executed on it
  • server2we need its IP address in the Playbook



server1 ansible_host=
server2 ansible_host=


In order to get the IP address, we will use "hostvars", where we indicate the name of the server we need, in our case it is "server2"


- name: example
  gather_facts: No
  hosts: server1
    - name: get-ip-from-server2
        msg: "Server2 IP address is {{ hostvars[ 'server2' ].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"



ok: [server1] => {
    "msg": "Server2 IP address is"

Ansible – Use values in a loop from hosts file on another host


There is a "hosts" file in which there is a group of "db". These are database instances that play a different role. The goal is to add the role type to the "hosts" file, so that later we can use this value in a loop that will be executed on a completely different host, for example "management"

Source "hosts" file:

db1 ansible_host=
db2 ansible_host=
db3 ansible_host=


Add the "role" key with the necessary value for each host in the "db" group:

db1 role=development ansible_host=
db2 role=staging ansible_host=
db3 role=production ansible_host=


Playbook example:


- name: management
  gather_facts: No
  hosts: management
    - name: debug
        msg: "Instance {{ item.1 }} with IP {{ hostvars[ item.1 ].ansible_host }} is {{ hostvars[ item.1 ].role}}"
      with_indexed_items: "{{ groups['db'] }}"



ok: [management] => (item=[0, u'db1']) => {
    "msg": "Instance db1 with IP is development"
ok: [management] => (item=[1, u'db2']) => {
    "msg": "Instance db2 with IP is staging"
ok: [management] => (item=[2, u'db3']) => {
    "msg": "Instance db3 with IP is production"

Ansible – Number of hosts per group

There is a "hosts" file in which in the "db" group there are N number of hosts, you need to automatically set a variable in the playbook equal to the number of hosts in a particular group


db1 ansible_host=
db2 ansible_host=
db3 ansible_host=
db4 ansible_host=



- hosts: localhost
    - db/example
    DB_COUNT: "{{ groups['db'] | length }}"

FIX ERROR – MS SQL: The database 'YOUR_DB_NAME' is enabled for database mirroring.

The following error occurred while trying to delete the database in MS SQL:

The database 'YOUR_DB_NAME' is enabled for database mirroring. Database mirroring must be removed before you drop the database.

