Fastlane — Получение Apple сертификатов

Скачиваем репозиторий с кодом. Переходим в директорию кода для iOS и выполняем:

fastlane init


[✔] ?
[✔] Looking for iOS and Android projects in current directory...
[11:06:05]: Created new folder './fastlane'.
[11:06:05]: Detected an iOS/macOS project in the current directory: 'My-iOS-app.xcworkspace'
[11:06:05]: -----------------------------
[11:06:05]: --- Welcome to fastlane ? ---
[11:06:05]: -----------------------------
[11:06:05]: fastlane can help you with all kinds of automation for your mobile app
[11:06:05]: We recommend automating one task first, and then gradually automating more over time
[11:06:05]: What would you like to use fastlane for?
1. ? Automate screenshots
2. ?✈️ Automate beta distribution to TestFlight
3. ? Automate App Store distribution
4. ? Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasks

Для нас подходит 4 — «Manual setup»

Указываем репозитирий для хранения сертификатов:

fastlane match init


[✔] ?
[13:26:32]: Please create a new, private git repository
[13:26:32]: to store the certificates and profiles there
[13:26:32]: URL of the Git Repo: [email protected]:artem/certificates.git
[13:26:59]: Successfully created './fastlane/Matchfile'. You can open the file using a code editor.
[13:26:59]: You can now run `fastlane match development`, `fastlane match adhoc`, `fastlane match enterprise` and `fastlane match appstore`
[13:26:59]: On the first run for each environment it will create the provisioning profiles and
[13:26:59]: certificates for you. From then on, it will automatically import the existing profiles.
[13:26:59]: For more information visit

Ссылку на Bitbacket я указываю по протоколу SSH, поэтому на сервере, где установлен Fastlane берем открытый SSH ключ и копируем его в настройки репозитория.

Bitbucket — Settings — Access Keys — Add key

После этого в учетной записи разработчика Apple появится сертификат с типом «iOS Distribution»

Получаем AdHoc сертификат:

fastlane match adhoc


[✔] ?
[13:41:25]: Successfully loaded '/Users/admin/my-ios-app/ios/fastlane/Matchfile' ?

|            Detected Values from './fastlane/Matchfile'            |
| git_url | [email protected]:artem/certificates.git                |
| type    | development                                             |

|                            Summary for match 2.112.0                            |
| type                  | adhoc                                                   |
| git_url               | [email protected]:artem/certificates.git                |
| git_branch            | master                                                  |
| storage_mode          | git                                                     |
| keychain_name         | login.keychain                                          |
| readonly              | false                                                   |
| verbose               | false                                                   |
| force                 | false                                                   |
| skip_confirmation     | false                                                   |
| shallow_clone         | false                                                   |
| clone_branch_directly | false                                                   |
| force_for_new_devices | false                                                   |
| skip_docs             | false                                                   |
| platform              | ios                                                     |

[13:41:25]: Cloning remote git repo...
[13:41:25]: If cloning the repo takes too long, you can use the `clone_branch_directly` option in match.
[13:41:27]: ?  Successfully decrypted certificates repo
[13:41:27]: To not be asked about this value, you can specify it using 'username'
[13:41:27]: Your Apple ID Username: [email protected]
[13:42:23]: You can also run `fastlane match` in readonly mode to not require any access to the
[13:42:23]: Developer Portal. This way you only share the keys and credentials
[13:42:23]: $ fastlane match --readonly
[13:42:23]: More information
[13:42:23]: Verifying that the certificate and profile are still valid on the Dev Portal...
Please provide your Apple Developer Program account credentials
The login information you enter will be stored in your macOS Keychain
You can also pass the password using the `FASTLANE_PASSWORD` environment variable
See more information about it on GitHub:
Password (for [email protected]): *********

Вводим Apple ID и пароль и получаем AdHoc сертификат в репозитории.

Получаем AppStore сертификат:

fastlane match appstore

Вводим Apple ID и пароль и получаем AppStore сертификат в репозитории.

Для указания другой ветки в репозитории сертификатов, нужно создать файл Matchfile



git_url("[email protected]:artem/certificates.git")

Метки: Метки

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